The Sikhs in Academia launch is a highly anticipated historical event which will allow us to set out our vision and provide a platform for Sikh academics, researchers, and students to come together, share their achievements and insights, and forge meaningful connections. Attending the launch presents numerous opportunities to network with fellow academics from various disciplines, learn about the latest research and academic trends, and gain valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities that exist within academia.

The program features keynote speakers, panel discussions, workshops, and presentations that cover a wide range of topics related to academia and the Sikh community. Attendees can expect to engage with leading experts in their respective fields and benefit from valuable opportunities to share their own research, insights, and experiences.


Attendance at the launch is open to academics, researchers, and students. Strategic organisations and networks also have the opportunity to attend. Spaces are very limited, and we are expecting a huge demand. Please register for the launch as soon as possible.